YongKu Cho
Ph.D. 2010
Research Project
BBB membrane proteomics - Apply yeast surface display scFv library for membrane protein identification
Previous Education
B.S. in Chemical Engineering
Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea
Republic of Korea
Previous Industry Experience
Biomedlab Co.
Ansan, Korea
Development of biosensor using
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
SPR enables real-time monitoring of biomolecular interaction occurring near a surface. I used
the Spreeta system developed by Texas Instruments for rapid detection
of biomarkers in human serum. - DNA microarray for Human Papillomavirus
(HPV) genotyping: DNA microarray provides an efficient way for virus
genotyping. My work related to optimization of the DNA probe sequences
to maximize sensitivity and specificity of the assay.
Wang XX, Cho YK, Shusta EV. Mining a yeast library for brain endothelial cell-binding antibodies. Nat Methods. 2007;4:143-145.[Abstract]
Why did you choose UW-Madison?
Strong Bio programs - Research interest in biomolecular engineering Housing Ideas
Advice for the first year of graduate school
Before you come, contact the faculty members or their graduate students that you're interested in unless you have had a chance to visit here. This is important since you will be choosing your advisor within a couple of months after you start.