Ethan Lippmann
Ph.D. 2011
Research Project
Constructing novel blood-brain
barrier models from stem cell sources
Uncovering novel pathways in blood-brain barrier development
Previous Education
B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Illinois at
Naperville, IL
Previous Research Experience
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering Department
Undergraduate Research Advisor:
Dr. Michael Strano
My undergraduate research focused on the species manipulation and separation of chemically functionalized carbon nanotubes. I also performed experiments on thermal annealing of functionalized nanotubes to restore them to their original, pristine state.
Previous Industry Experience
UOP, LLC. Intern, Gas Adsorbents Research Group. Des Plaines, IL.
Summer 2006.
Merck and Co., Inc. Intern, Pharmaceutical Technical Operations
Division. West Point, PA. Summer 2005
Lippmann ES, Azarin SM, Kay JE, Nessler RA, Wilson HK, Palecek SP,
Shusta EV. Human blood-brain barrier endothelial cells derived from
pluripotent stem cells. Under review.
Lippmann ES, Weidenfeller C, Svendsen CN, Shusta EV. Blood-brain
barrier modeling with co-cultured neural progenitor cell-derived
astrocytes and neurons. J Neurochem. 2011;119:507-20.
Agarwal N, Lippmann ES, Shusta EV. Identification and expression
profiling of blood-brain barrier membrane proteins. J Neurochem.
Usrey ML, Lippmann ES, Strano MS. Evidence for a two-step mechanism in
electronically selective single-walled carbon nanotube reactions. J Am
Chem Soc. 2005;127:16129-35.